Cattery "Edelweiss"
Burmese catsBreed standards:
CFA standard (European burmese)
HEAD and EARS ................. 25
EYE SHAPE and COLOR ........... 20
COAT COLOR and TEXTURE ........ 30
GENERAL: the European Burmese is an elegant cat of foreign type, which is positive and individual to the breed. Any suggestion of either Siamese type or the cobbiness of the British Shorthair must be regarded as a fault.
HEAD: the top of the head is slightly rounded, with good breadth between the ears, having wide cheekbones and tapering to a short blunt wedge.
NOSE: definite nose break.
JAW: wide at the hinge. Strong lower jaw.
CHIN: strong.
EYES: set well apart. Large and lustrous. The top line of the eyes show a straight oriental slant toward the nose, the lower line is rounded.
EARS: medium in size. Set well apart on the skull. Broad at the base with slightly rounded tips. The outer line of the ears continue the shape of the upper part of the face. This may not be possible in mature males who have developed fullness of cheeks. In profile, ears have a slight forward tilt.
BODY: medium in length and size. Hard and muscular. Heavier than appearance indicates. Chest should be strong and rounded in profile, the back straight from the shoulder to the rump.
LEGS: rather slender and in proportion to the body. Hind legs slightly longer than the front.
FEET: small and oval.
TAIL: medium length, not thick at the base and tapering slightly to a rounded tip.
COAT: short, fine lying close to the body. Satin-like in texture, almost without undercoat. Very glossy.
PENALIZE: jaw pinch, oriental eye shape, round eyes. Pigmentation spots on nose leather of a red or cream European Burmese.
DISQUALIFY: green eye color. White patches or a noticeable number of white hairs. Visible tail kink. Too much tabby markings on a red or cream European Burmese.
COLOR: in all colors the underparts of the body will be slightly paler than the back. In kittens and adolescents allowance should be made for faint tabby barring and overall a lighter color than adults. In all adults of all varieties there should be no bars or shading: the points may show a little contrast.
EYE COLOR for all varieties: all shades of yellow to amber, golden yellow preferred. Alert and bright.
BROWN: rich, warm, seal brown. Very dark color bordering on black is incorrect. Nose leather: rich brown. Paw pads: brown.
BLUE: soft, silver blue-gray with a warm tone. Nose leather and paw pads: blue-gray.
CHOCOLATE: warm milk-chocolate; overall evenness of color very desirable. Nose leather: warm, chocolate brown. Paw pads: brick pink shading to chocolate.
LILAC: pale, delicate dove-gray with a slightly pink cast. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender-pink.
RED: warm, orange apricot. Slight tabby markings may be found on the face and small indeterminate markings elsewhere (except on side and belly) are permissible in an otherwise excellent cat. Nose leather and Paw pads: brick red.
CREAM: rich cream. Slight tabby markings may be found on the face and small indeterminate markings elsewhere (except on side and belly) are permissible in an otherwise excellent cat. Nose leather and paw pads: pink.
SEAL TORTIE: the colors of red and seal brown distributed in well defined patches over the whole body, including the extremities. The red can show various shades of the color; the colors must be pure and bright. A blaze on the face is desirable. No tabby markings in the red parts. The distribution of patches is of less importance than the other details of the color. Nose leather and paw pads: seal brown, pink or a mixture of both.
BLUE TORTIE: pale tones of blue-gray and cream distributed in patches over the whole body, including the extremities. The distribution of the patches is of less importance than the other details of the color. Nose leather and Paw pads: pink, blue-gray, or a mixture of both.
CHOCOLATE TORTIE: milk chocolate patched with red, including the extremities. No tabby barring in the red parts. The distribution of the patches is of less importance than the other details of the color. Nose leather and Paw pads: milk chocolate, pink or a mixture of both.
LILAC TORTIE: lilac and pale cream distributed in patches over the whole body including the extremities. No tabby barring in the cream parts. The distribution of the patches is of less importance than the other details of the color. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender-pink, or lavender-pink patched with pink.
The following information is for reference purposes only, and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.
EUROPEAN BURMESE COLOR CLASS NUMBER (Eligible for Championship competition at International Shows ONLY, otherwise Miscellaneous class. See Article XXXIII for color class numbers.)
* European Burmese allowable outcross breeds: none.
TICA standard
Sepia Category, Solid and Tortoiseshell Divisions: all Colors.
The overall impression of the ideal Burmese would be a cat of medium size and rich solid color with substantial bone structure, goodmuscular development and a surprising weight for its size. This, together withits expressive eyes and sweet face, presents a totally distinctive cat which is comparable to no other breed.
The head should be pleasingly rounded without flat planes whether viewed from front or side. Face should be full, with considerable breadth between the eyes, tapering slightly to a short, well-developed muzzle. In profile thereshould be a visible nose break. Ears to be medium in size and set well apart on a rounded skull; alert, tilting slightly forward, broad at base and slightly rounded tips.
Set far apart with round aperture, with color ranging from yellow togold, the greater the depth and brilliance, the better. Green eyes a fault, blue eyes to disqualify.
Body medium in size, muscular in development, and presenting a somewhat compact appearance. Allowance is to be made for larger size in males. An ample, rounded chest, with back level from shoulder to tail. Legs well proportioned to body with round feet. Tail to be straight and medium in length.
Fine, glossy, satin-like in texture; very close-lying.
Perfect physical condition, with excellent muscle tone. There should be no evidence of obesity, paunchiness, weakness or apathy.
Color should be rich and sound to the root, with slight lightening on the underparts. There should be no smoke, no barring, nor any evidence of pointed coloration.
See Show Rules for rules governing penalties/disqualifications applying to all cats.
Shape: Rounded.
Size: Medium.
Profile: Visible nose break above the bridge between eyes; nose line flows gently into a rounded forehead.
Muzzle: Broad, well-developed, short; the muzzle and the skull fit into a round shape.
Skull: Rounded.
Forehead: Rounded.
Chin: Rounded.
Cheeks: Full, rounded.
Shape: Broad at base with rounded tips.
Size: Medium.
Placement: Wide apart, alert
Hair: Short.
Furnishings: Sparse.
Shape: Round.
Size: Large.
Placement: Wide set
Aperture: In line with base of ear.
Color: Gold.
Size: Well-developed.
Length: Short.
Shape: Somewhat compact; rounded; with broad ample chest; hips same width as shoulders.
Size: Medium.
Bone structure: Strong; broad rib cage, level back.
Length: Medium.
Musculature: Hard, well-muscled, surprising weight for size.
Length: Medium.
Shape: Thicker at base, tapering to a blunt end, round, straight, notwhippy.
Size: Medium.
Boning: Medium.
Length: Medium, in proportion to body and tail.
Musculature: Sturdy.
Shape: Rounded.
Size: Medium.
Length: Short.
Texture: Fine, glossy, satin-like.
Miscellaneous: Coat lies very close.
Color should be rich and sound to the root, with slight lightening on the underparts. There should be no smoke, no barring nor any evidence ofpointed coloration.
FIFe standard
will be here soon
WCF standard
Of medium length and size, muscular and feeling stronger and heavier than its appearanceindicates; chest strong and rounded in profile; the back straight from shoulder to rump.Legs should be comparatively fine; paws dainty and oval in shape. Tail straight and of medium length, delicate at the base and tapering to a slightly rounded tip.
Short, blunt wedge, contours gently rounded. Pronounced cheek bones, set wide. Distinctly curved profile. Strong chin and lower jaw.
Large, set wide apart, slight forward tilt; broad at the base with slightly rounded tips; the outer line of the ears continuing the shape of the upper part of the face.
Large and set wide apart; the top line of the eye showing an oriental slant towards the nose, the lower line being rounded. Eye colour any shade from yellow to amber.
Very short, fine and glossy; close-lying with hardly any undercoat
Seal, chocolate, red and the diluted colours blue, lilac and cream and the according tortie colours are accepted. In all colours the underside of body is slightly lighter than the back. The body colour doesn't show either barrings or tabby markings, only the points are evenly slightly darker and show a soft contrast to the body colour. In kittens faint ghost markings and an altogether lighter body colour should be tolerated.
Pinch or hollow cheeks are faults. CAC should be withheld for green eye colour or white patches.
Scale of Points
Body: .....................20 points
Body colour: .........15 points
Coat Texture: .......15 points
Head and Ears: ....25 points
Eyes: ......................20 points
Condition: ..............5 points